“ASIA FASHION AWARD” is a top creators that Japan is proud of worldwide, including fashion shows by popular brands in Japan and Taiwan × top models, stages in which traditional cultures of various countries are fused, artists live in Japan · Taiwan, etc. It is an event that mixes and sends Asian culture to the world with companies and creators leading countries. Beachwlakers, which develops a wide range of movies and TV planning and production, including in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China etc. Group and W TOKYO who handles a number of girls events not only in Japan but also in various countries in the world have assembled tags Culture transmission event As this year will celebrate the second year. Last year, we held a popular model from Japan such as Laura · Fujii Rina · Dareenogare Akemi · Yagi Arisa · Reika Ikeda and Saigo Asuka who also works as a model at Nogizaka 46 members, Mai Shiraishi, Nanosano Nishise, Masamura Sayami, and live performances Mr. Tetsuya Komuro and CIBERJAPAN DANCERS joined in, Taiwan’s popular niece of Oyang Fei Fei’s popular cellist Yu Nia (Oyan Narah) and many Taiwan popular models participated. Over 100 media companies including Taiwan, Hong Kong and China gathered.
■Open day Saturday, December 16, 2017 Opening 18:00 Timeline 22: 00 (planned)
■Venue W Taipei (Address 110, Taiwan, Taipei, 10 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 5 Xinyi District)
■Sponsorship ASIA FASHION AWARD Executive Committee
■Planning / production beachwalkers. 、W TOKYO Co., Ltd.